
Wax beak Learn more about Wax beak

  • How to spend the winter with wax mouth?

    How to spend the winter with wax mouth?

    Wax beak is a general term for birds of the family Passeriformes, which feed on seeds and like to move in small groups. So how do they spend the winter? How do you raise it? First, how does the wax mouth spend the winter? Wax spits usually overwintered to the south of our country before the arrival of winter.

    2020-11-11 Wax beak what winter wax beak is right bird class sparrow shape sparrow family
  • How to raise a wax-billed Finch

    How to raise a wax-billed Finch

    The image of the wax-billed Finch is simple and honest, it is a common family ornamental bird, and many families will keep the wax-billed Finch as pets. So how to raise wax-billed finches? Please see below for details. Birdcage wax-billed Finch's cage has no special requirements, as long as it does not affect the jump

    2020-11-11 Wax beak sparrow how raise wax beak image naive
  • How do budgerigars divide male and female?

    How do budgerigars divide male and female?

    How do budgerigars divide male and female?

  • Pictures of pet parrot species

    Pictures of pet parrot species

    Pictures of pet parrot species

  • How to raise wild birds

    How to raise wild birds

    When it comes to wild birds, people must think of crows, woodpeckers, swallows, and so on, and some people will specially catch some wild birds for fun. How to raise wild birds? 1. Safety method A wild bird that has just been caught must first give it a safe and simple environment.

    2020-11-11 Wild birds how raise one mention wild birds presumably everyone will
  • Behind every crane top red is a door-killing tragedy.

    Behind every crane top red is a door-killing tragedy.

    In recent years, among the smuggled wildlife products seized by China and Southeast Asian customs, in addition to the familiar pangolins, pythons and bear paws, there is also a thing with bright colors and strange shapes, which has yellow sharp horns.

  • Control techniques of diseases and insect pests at flowering and panicle stage of mango

    Control techniques of diseases and insect pests at flowering and panicle stage of mango

    After the mango ear was damaged by diseases and insect pests, the flower ear was deformed, the flower quality decreased, the flower bud fell off, the flower withered, and could not blossom and bear fruit. The prevention and control methods of diseases and insect pests that harm the flower ear of mango are as follows: first, anthrax is the most serious disease that harms the flower ear, which occurs as soon as the flower ear is pulled out.

  • What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

    What are the animals?

  • Orchard disease of mango: bituminous coal disease

    Orchard disease of mango: bituminous coal disease

    Mango flat-beaked leafhopper is also called leaf hopper to damage flower ear and young fruit, resulting in falling flowers and fruit, poor harvest or even loss of harvest, and serious soot disease, but also damage young buds, tender shoots and leaves, causing buds and leaf deformities. It usually occurs more often in the flowering stage, the humidity is high, and the closure of the crown is more likely to cause the worm. Often in Hainan.

  • Tea wing bug and hemp skin bug

    Tea wing bug and hemp skin bug

    Tea-wing bugs and hemipterous bugs both belong to Hemiptera Pentatomidae, and they are also pests that do great harm to garden ornamental plants. Tea wing bug bug Halyomorphapicus alias stinky wood bugs, smelly elder sister, brown bugs host a wide range of food, harmful to Robinia pseudoacacia, elm, figs, cloves, pomegranate, paulownia, peach, begonia and other garden plants. Harmful adults and nymphs feed on tender leaves, stems and fruit juices, causing leaves to turn yellow and early.

  • How to cultivate high yield milk vetch

    How to cultivate high yield milk vetch

    Chinese milk vetch, also known as Qiao Yao, red flowers, grass seed, native to China. Like warm and humid conditions, there is a certain ability to cold, the whole growth period requires enough water, Chinese milk vetch on the soil requirements are not strict, sandy and clay loam is more suitable. Salt tolerance is poor, belonging to leguminous,

    2020-11-08 Chinese milk vetch how cultivation energy high yield also known as shake
  • How to prevent mango soot disease

    How to prevent mango soot disease

    What's big mango soot? How to control fungal diseases. At present, 6 pathogens causing mango soot disease have been found in China. It damages leaves, branches and fruits, affecting leaf photosynthesis and fruit appearance. Prevention and control methods: one is reasonable dense planting, pruning, keep canopy ventilation and light transmission....

  • What are the characteristics of European black bees?

    What are the characteristics of European black bees?

    What are the characteristics of European black bees?

  • Comprehensive control technology of mango soot disease

    Comprehensive control technology of mango soot disease

    The main results are as follows: (1) the reason of mango flower and fruit drop is 1. When mango meets low temperature, overcast and rainy weather during flowering and young fruit stage (the temperature is lower than 11.5 ℃) and lasts for a long time, the flower and fruit drop is serious. The flower ear suffers the death, appears a large number of abnormal fruit, aborts the fruit, easy to cause the natural shedding. 2. Diseases and pests harm the pests of mango.

  • There are 12 common ornamental varieties of Magnolia. Which one would you choose to plant at home?

    There are 12 common ornamental varieties of Magnolia. Which one would you choose to plant at home?

    There are so many varieties of orchids that it feels good for ordinary flower lovers to feed them, while those who pursue flowers want them to blossom year after year, while some enthusiasts will pay attention to their varieties.

  • Matters needing attention in breeding Bermuda

    Matters needing attention in breeding Bermuda

    Bermudagrass has a great demand for nutrients. We need timely fertilization before its flowering, and it is appropriate to apply compound fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer alternately, which is beneficial to its flowering and increase its flowering quantity.

  • How to prevent and cure bituminous coal disease with big mango?

    How to prevent and cure bituminous coal disease with big mango?

    What harm does the bituminous coal disease of big mango have? How to prevent and cure bituminous coal disease with big mango? Netizens who want to know can help introduce the distribution of mango bituminous disease in Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guangdong and Fujian provinces (autonomous regions). It is a common and major disease and is common in arid areas. The planting network has sorted out the big mango bituminous coal.

  • Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite

    Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite

    Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite 1. Coccidae jujube pest, also known as tree lice and grass shoe insect. It is widely distributed in China, such as Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan and other provinces (regions). ...

  • On the first anniversary of raising meat, he kidnapped a lot of people into the pit.

    On the first anniversary of raising meat, he kidnapped a lot of people into the pit.

    The 28th? Qian Yan love succulent love life (WeChat: duorou91) reply to "Community" and 20W meat friends to bask together! Backstage reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" view phase.

  • Do winged birds, ducks, geese and owls hibernate?

    Do winged birds, ducks, geese and owls hibernate?

    Ducks are swimming birds, geese are flying birds, and cat sounds are night birds, so will these three kinds of birds hibernate in cold winter? According to the relevant poultry data, ducks do not hibernate. Ducks, like people, rest at night. If it is raised at home, it will be produced in winter.

    2020-11-11 Yes wings birds ducks geese owls hibernation